You are in a dungeon.

Out of context: Reply #53

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  • mantrakid2

    .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--.
    :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\:::::... ! ACTION TIME !
    ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--'


    The itch near your genitals is slightly satisfied.

    You push on the door to slam it shut and it closes but doesnt 'latch' - there is a mechanism on the door that looks like a wheel with a series of switches.

    You surmise that the switches are likely some type of combination for unlocking the cell and hope that just by manipulating the wheel you can lock / fasten it.


    You spin the wheel to the left and immediately hear a sound like a large piece of metal springing out from the interior of the door into the wall, locking it in place. You can hear the goblins' muffled anguish behind the door. At least they have a poop hole.

    Looking around it appears you are in a simple hallway, no other doors exist within your view, there is a passage to the right and to the left of the door you're standing in front of, but both passages turn a sharp 90 degree corner after about 50 paces.

    The hallway is lit with the same dimly orange light that spilled into the cell earlier, but you begin to notice that there is no source for it - it appears to be.. everywhere. Looking down at your feet you don't even see a shadow and the strangeness of everything being lit equally begins messing with your mind.

    Dennis peeks out from the cloth glove, and his eye, glowing green, adds some shading and definition to things when it mixes with the orange light.

    The hallway itself is silent.

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