You are in a dungeon.

Out of context: Reply #6

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  • 93 Responses
  • mantrakid3

    Wearily, you push yourself up off the stone and sit upright. Your hands search your body and feel sand and dirt brushing off your naked arms and chest.

    Desperately you try to recall how you got here or where 'here' even is, but your mind runs blank with blunted panic. Your head throbs in time with your quickening heart rate but upon feeling for wounds or trauma, you feel only your dry skin. You try to imagine yourself—to think of your name—but your mind comes up empty, which only adds to the building terror.

    Your legs adjust along with your aching muscles and as your body weight shifts its centre of balance, you feel a fabric on your legs rustling against the ground. Upon closer inspection with your hands, it feels like a type of coarsely woven fibre is wrapped around your legs and waist—the seams stitched with thin strips of leather or twine.

    Nothing else seems to be on or around these 'pants'.

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