ripped on ebay

Out of context: Reply #15

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  • mbr0

    Be very careful. I asked a question once of a guy (there was a NOTE: please email me at this address: ....) and clicked the 'ask seller question'.

    I received an email from him, saying how great a deal it was and how he had 275 100% comments. A few minutes later I received an email saying 'Don't know what you are talking about, I don't have a Litespeed (road bike)'.

    His account was hacked and the other guy was misrepresenting himself. This also happened toa buddy of mine where his account, and yahoo account, where hacked and taken over (they change the passwords once they gain access).

    So beware. Ask lots of questions that only an owner will know. I always ask for them to send me a pic with their hand on a certain part. Like 'right hand on left brake lever', which, I hope, would be hard to do without actually having the object.

    Hope it works out.

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