
Out of context: Reply #5078

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  • Ramanisky20

    Do us all a favor and launch these people into space already.

    • In my experience, American nurses aren’t the brightest bulbs.nb
    • "when did everyone get a medical degree?" asks a politicians of people WITH medical degrees...pr2
    • Those are nurses. They don’t have medical degrees.monospaced
    • yep, just a hideous unrewarding job that i'm sure none of us would last a week doing. its a catch 22, you can't be a nurse without being totally insanekingsteven
    • That isn’t a politician either. That’s a journalist/reporter. 0 for 0 pr2, AS USUAL.monospaced
    • Keep ignoring the facts, dumb fuck.monospaced
    • You realize that there are now teenagers on ventilators and Florida cases have risen 1300% this month right? Deny that?monospaced
    • as always mono doesn't even bother watching 2min clip that was made specifically to be understood by morons like him...pr2
    • I watched this clip. 0 for 3 now pr2. Wanna go for more?monospaced
    • Nothing you’ve said about this is accurate. Quite the opposite actually. But you like denying reality and science.monospaced
    • you mean at 0:55 where the MAYOR of NYC is asking about medical degree you zoned out for 10 seconds? oh silly you.pr2
    • So what "proof" do these cunts need if they don't trust the CDC? Donald Trump Jr saying "the vaccine's fine"? Cunts.BusterBoy

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