Family Meeting

Out of context: Reply #42

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  • colin_s1

    This seems to me to be an issue of precedent setting. Short of a declared list of rules, forum engagement is predominantly a social contract. If there's no common understanding as to why pornography is or isn't allowed (and under what, if any, circumstances), it'll probably lead to those ideas being tested (by force or just the passage of time).

    Is it an outright ban on NSFW content , is it a "mods are tired" deal... I think all that people are looking for is the established baseline of what system exists (and, if possible, knowing why).

    Personally I always thought having porn content here was strange. For one, it seemed completely off-brand for a design forum that tries to be at least semi-conscious of humanity? And for two, the amount there was seemed a bit ... excessive. But I do like that it was always contained to a couple threads that I could just ignore, and I can see the risks of ending it all without any sort of nod to what isn't or isn't acceptable.

    I'm fine with removal but would only suggest some type of "moving forward, here is a baseline system" established rule set. There have been plenty of posters over the years who have gone to great extent to kind of push boundaries, so it seems removing something without acknowledging how to move forward is the riskiest path.

    • I'll subscribe to your magazine.SteveJobs
    • Don't need a strong description of what QBN is, just more rigidity around what it isn'tcannonball1978

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