
Out of context: Reply #232

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  • grafician2

    "Law enforcement officials in Malaysia seized 1,069 bitcoin mining rigs before crushing them all with a big steamroller last week."…

    • These are just e-waste, older generations of asics have zero re-purpose. So bitcoin produces a lot of e-waste too, when you throw away all these old mining rigsgrafician
    • the asics are useless, but the PSU, heat sink and fans, etc, could still have a life after.Nairn
    • "in 2021, three houses were razed due to illegal electricity supply connections"
      ??? Why are they so destructive? Take this shit and put it to good use at least
    • why do you obliterate three houses simply cuz they were sapping illegal power? Seize the house and give it to those who need a home? *confusedPonyBoy
    • @PonyBoy the houses were raided by the cops, not really destroyd lolgrafician
    • it says the houses were "razed"... do you require a definition of 'razed', graf? :)PonyBoy
    • chill PonyBoy, damn
      makes no sense to raze the house, but ok
    • *giggle...…
    • hehehe :Dgrafician
    • Given the chip shortage, the joke is on then, Apple would have paid $$m for those boards to get the resistors and little chips they require...shapesalad
    • .. I'm not actually sure that..shapesalad
    • Apple has no chip shortage, they buy in advance everything. Car makers have chip shortage because they're morons for mixing up the orders last yeargrafician

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