Climate Change

Out of context: Reply #244

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  • monospaced0

    Nairn's post reminded me of this man's dedication over the last four decades. Change can be seen in a lifetime, which is a short timeframe in the big scheme of things.

    • isn't there a story of a french man who did this with oak trees? I always assumed it was apocryphal; but hoped that it wasn'thans_glib
    • I've heard that story, and it's fiction.monospaced
    • Maybe this works in India or whatever, but in most civ world you can't really go plant a forest - most land is private land so planting is illegal.grafician
    • ^this also says a lot about our priorities too lolgrafician
    • I mean planting is illegal but deforestation is welcomed. Smh...grafician
    • You're assuming it has to be illegal, kinda missing the point I'm afraid. Fact is, even tiny forests on private land help.monospaced
    • It works in India and also anywhere trees can grow, which includes most of the civilized world. India is part of the civilized world, last I checked.monospaced
    • Planting trees starting now will only trap a decade's worth of carbon release. That's like a "first month free" for a climate change subscription on Netflix...grafician
    • Not sure what you’re arguing. Why you’re arguing. Or why this is even downvoted.monospaced
    • Planting trees is always good.monospaced
    • Again you step in with the wrong presumptions. can't do this thing in Europe unless you own that land. Get it?
      Even if it's badly needed!
    • So bottom line, sure, it's great what this man did. But the point is we shouldn't cut the original forest in the first fucking place!grafician
    • India, Brasil and other countries with large forest areas cut down trees to make space for farming or whatever at an alarming rate.grafician
    • An no, many don't consider India a civilised country...grafician
    • Instead of getting my point, you’re mansplaining something else. It can be done anywhere in the world. I presumed nothing wrong. You did.monospaced
    • reforestation can work in a lot of places in the world, including developed nations. Private or public lands and enterprises. Don’t argue that isn’t true.monospaced
    • I don’t care if someone considers India a shithole or not, it is not “uncivilized” as you said, nor is it undeveloped as a whole. Just stop.monospaced
    • I own (a small parcel of) land in upstate NY. The state sells saplings native to the area for around $1 each (in bundles of 25/100) so people will reforest landhardhat

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