
Out of context: Reply #4994

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  • PhanLo0

    A friend has been organising painting a mural on the side of a small local GP surgery that has also been doing covid vaccines for the elderly and vulnerable. It was for the 'woman in science' part of the science festival here.
    She briefly mentioned that it had been targeted by anti-vax folk. A common site in my city is 'covid vax = 666' spraypainted around testing and vaccination places, but she was saying excrement had also been posted through the letterbox multiple times and attempts had been made to set it on fire.

    • Absolute madness. One of my friends had a go at me for watching the football saying 'do you not see it's a distarction from what's really happening?" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Ianbolton
    • ", beer and above all, gambling filled up the horizon of their minds. To keep them in control was not difficult.”PhanLo
    • Folk need to enjoy something, I think football kind of does that. It's been a pretty miserable year and a bit for a lot of folk.PhanLo
    • I think sport has always been a distraction from the constant barrage of human suffering. To the point we suffer when we lose anyway - why do we do anything?!Ianbolton
    • Be like Scotland. You win you booze, you lose you booze. It's just booze. :-)PhanLo
    • Football gives men something to talk about when they meet each other.Nairn
    • ^Very true Nairn, lot's of men would be lost without it.PhanLo
    • You see the game the other night?Ianbolton

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