
Out of context: Reply #4865

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  • utopian6

    • https://www.forbes.c…utopian
    • +1i_was
    • lol @ +1
      hmmm, how does one get immunity?
      Has there been reinfection?
      what an ass
    • Hope he gets covid in the dicknecromation
    • With natural immunity there can't be reinfectioni_was
    • we got another QBN health professional here.fadein11
    • The Axis of Evilpalimpsest
    • It's funny the logic here. Ok, let's say you believe you have natural immunity. So, uh, still, why not get the vaccine? Too busy? Scared of needles?nb
    • He got brained by his neighbour, lets see if the science works and he has a natural immunity against it happening again.face_melter
    • gentlemen, since you missed the class on how white blood cells work... if you had a disease OR had a vaccine, your body learns who the "bad guy" is.pr2
    • if he had covid, then for him taking vaccine would be akin to filling up a gas tank then driving to gas station across the street and attempting to do the same.pr2
    • some of you might not know this is not how we tank up a car.pr2
    • lol, this clown acting like he took a class on how white blood cells work. If you had, you'd know that teacher would say to get the vaccine.monospaced
    • And then uses a gas tank as an analogy for the body filling up on antivirals. This is why everyone thinks you're a fucking idiot.monospaced
    • I'd wager you haven't even taken a science course since 10th grade, where you got a solid C-. It shows.monospaced
    • pr2 is too much of a Brainiac for us plebs. He read 1984 and *totally* gets it, man. Like, we're all just flapping around reading Marxist theory like twats.face_melter
    • He's also incredibly predictable. He will, no doubt, deny that he is considered a fool, and then call us all fools. Just watch.monospaced
    • oh yeah pr2. when is this herd immunity gonna kick in?pango
    • ^…
    • children are throwing a tantrum today.pr2
    • getting angry instead of engaging the gist of the argument, oh children, children, one do you will grow up.pr2
    • RIGHT ON CUE, predicted with 100% accuracy as well, LOLmonospaced
    • And furthermore, this asshat ACTUALLY thinks he posed an argument. HOLY SHIT this is next level stupid.monospaced
    • lol angry? not at all. We laughingpango
    • so sad to see the half-developed brain cells trying to comprehend concepts as "complex" as difference between red and white blood cells.pr2
    • so sad to see the half-developed brain cells trying to pretend he knows shit.pango
    • until you prove you're more qualified than the majority of the doctor around the world, you're just that guy pretending he knows shit.pango
    • until you show me that you understand how the immunity works (even on most basic level, the sort whoever made the meme doesn't get)...pr2
    • ...then you are just that guy who doesn't even pretend anymore and is happy to live in blessed oblivion of ignorance.pr2
    • That's the difference. I don't understand how it works. And I'm aware of it. But I don't act like a moron thinking I know better than doctor and go tell peoplepango
    • To do dumb shit.
      Rand Paul have no prove he has the immunity. He went with his feel feel.
    • Btw. When is this herd immunity gonna kick in? If you're so against vaccine and prevention, how many people has to die till gov do something?pango
    • Wait.... So you admit you're pretending you know shit?pango
    • "happy to live in blessed oblivion of ignorance." Lol you fell short on screaming "WAKE UP SHEEPLE!"pango
    • Rand Paul is a quack and is not even a board-certified MD. He gave himself his own doctor title and degree...and continually talks out his ass.utopian
    • We are 1 year into a global pandemic and you say out loud for everyone to hear that you didn't bother learning how your body's immunity works?pr2
    • My 5 year old wanted to know what happens to his body when he was being immunized so i played him a cartoon. It takes a 20 min cartoon for kids...pr2
    • learn enough about immunity and white blood cells to know the meme is wrong.pr2
    • Like seriously. You don't need to spend 8 years in med school to know it.pr2
    • If you had covid = you have immunity. This is not Rand Paul saying it but science backed by countless years of research.pr2
    • watching some youtube video is not the equivalent of actually understand how it works lol. youtube video does not make you more of an expert than the majoritypango
    • of the doctors around the world. lol this guy who watched 20 min YT vid and now think he knows more than doctors who spent 8 years in med schools.pango
    • did the 20 min video has reinfection is possible? well, it is. Roll the dice!pango
    • yes son, it did show to kids what happens when anthromorphized viruses/bacteria enters immunized body.pr2
    • lol, this clown STILL acting like ANYONE had even mentioned white/red blood cells or showed any confusion before he started bitchsplaining like a foolmonospaced
    • coming out with his "I watched a 3 minute video" shit and then telling people they're stupid because they didn't know about something nobody is even talking abomonospaced
    • once again monomoron doesn't even understand the fundamental basics of an argument. bravo to him for mastering the keyboard.pr2

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