Out of context: Reply #436

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  • Nairn1

    Just checking my disc drives for errant Adobe cruft (I've had problems in the past with undeleted and accumulating 'temp' files) and am gladdened to see that a recent update of OS and CC installation has done away with this problem.

    However, digging around windrstat to see what chunks of uselessness there is on my boot drive...

    ...and I've within a couple of minutes already found over a Gb of useless files in my CC installation - tutorial gifs and mp4s and such. My boot drive's an SSD which I keep my OS and my '10' mainly-used applications on. Everything else gets installed on a seperate spinning rust drive.

    It'd be nice if there was an option to 'lean install' apps - I don't need all that tutorial shite I'll never see, never mind use, filling up my drive.

    • Also, it'd be nice if Adobe didn't have 12+ processes running in the background even though I'm not running any Adobe apps, including the CC client.Nairn
    • Be nice if updates came once per year. and they waited until bugs were fixed. And that fucking cc app is updated every day!shapesalad
    • @shape they have different teams for each product, which ofc do not communicate between them at all, so you get messy softwaregrafician

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