making beats

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  • nb0

    Would an M1 mac be better for running Logic? Or does it even matter

    • It *absolutely* would. It's a no-contest difference, even with top of the line Intel iMacs.e-wo
    • Still little 3rd party support for plugins from the usuals, will need uad and waves native before switching.kingsteven
    • there's not much in it atm, my hack still faster than the current M1s for Logic, but that's kinda a daft comparison. i'd say when comparisons of sessionskingsteven
    • using 3rd party AUs (and not 50 instances of alchemy) come out it'll be closer. i seldom get dropouts on my hack running 200 track sessions/ thousands of plugskingsteven
    • Strictly logic? Yes, totally. I don't know where the plugin game is though. Seems like companies have been pretty quick to compile for the M1's though.section_014
    • Hot tips cool guys. Thaxnb
    • Smaller Devs have been pretty quick and a bunch work in compatibility mode (but slower) Apple recommends only using 4 cores on the current M1s for Logic tookingsteven
    • I upgraded from a 2017 iMac and loving the Mini for Logic. I have to run in Rosetta mode because of some Spitfire plugin issues, but it's been fine.mg33

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