Out of context: Reply #88

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  • antimotion1

    An additional 2 cents -

    Folks who aren't seeing the value in "it" must not have subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney, Spotify, apple music, etc...

    I'm fairly certain you don't get to keep any physical iteration of the films, shows, or music from those platforms, yet they are paid.

    It seems as though users are paying for some kind of emotional substance. I’m no Sherlock Holmes, so I can’t be certain of course, but isn’t the collection of art, lay within that same vein?

    Honestly speaking. when I first heard about this Crypto-art thing I was totally skeptical because I didn't know what ETH was. I thought to myself, my landlord wouldn’t understand it because they only accept cash or credit (ironically, credit is sort of like a digital form of money...) I'm kicking myself now because ETH was so cheap then!

    Like so many creators, I’ve been posting work on IG, FB, even Dribbbbbble (sorry - forget how many b's they have), every other day and will get the typical "cool" "nice work" etc... And while I deeply appreciate the kind comments and occasional words of encouragement, the underlying fact of the matter is, behind the scenes, those platforms are making bank off of what we post - our visually rendered thoughts and dreams being commodified - not in OUR favor.

    There is a new era evolving literally as you’re reading this. It may be silly to say, but I feel like the ape discovering the bone in 2001. There is so much energy exuding from the obelisk of possibility this new technology is displaying, it’s truly astounding...

    And while I may simply be a crumb in the galaxy-sized loaf of bread that is the art world, I have to honestly say - I've never felt so much love and utter respect from a community before this thing hit.

    If you are skeptical and don't want to put yourself out there - all good. Some folks aren't into it and that’s okay. It’s moving fast and can be overwhelming to be sure... But before you knock it completely due to a lack of knowledge, check out youtube or clubhouse (Shout out to DP and NS!) with a little research. Listen to folks who are feeding this monster - yes, there’s some fluff, but there’s more substance than anything and whether you focus on NFT or CRYPTO-ART or CRYPTO- CURRENCY, DEFI, etc, it is absolutely relevant to our current and future state of society.

    As artists, we have to use our creative prowess to challenge the status quo. We’re finally at a stage, early as it may be, where blockchain technology can be used in a way to defend ourselves against industries that have taken advantage of us - taken our art, music, film, poetry, etc, and thrown us out after licking the frosting off.

    There are a few folks here who have already dropped some amazing art and I’ve had the extreme pleasure of connecting with them. It’s all about doing what we love and trying to help one another out. This thing is so new and shiny, of course, it sounds too good to be true, but like any technology, you have to try it and use it to understand what can be done straight out of the box and with that knowledge, come up with new and fantastic ways to create things no one else has seen or thought of before.

    Lastly, there are so many talents in THIS community - I always end up here for great art and design, a good laugh and, different perspectives. I am sincerely looking forward to seeing what you come up with if you decide to jump on... I don’t have a big network, but I’m always available to chat and can push a link or two out into the ether if you need an extra hand - connect on IG: @jasonscuderi

    Be well all and never stop creating!

    • Like I've said before:
      Good for the people making money off their work and good for the people making money off the trades.
    • Why do people collect art?
      To avoid taxes & the status it gives them. They might have a genuine interest that makes them choose art over other things.
    • Why do people trade art?
      To make money. Buy low, sell high.
      I don't see the emotional side to this NFT "investing".
    • The tokens are not the art, people are paying for tokens. They are not buying "art". It's a good thing that the "artists" are making money in the process.palimpsest
    • From where I stand, a more genuine way to support and connect with a digital artist is through a platform like Patreon.palimpsest
    • At the time this NFT trading seems like y'alls playing Chutes/Snakes and Ladders pretending to be high rollers.palimpsest
    • The idea that people are "collecting art" is false from the point of view of technology and the artworld.palimpsest
    • I don't see the link with Netflix. When you pay for Netflix you pay for a service, like electricity and gaz. Do you get to keep the electricity?palimpsest
    • Would you download a car?palimpsest
    • i dont´t wanna feel like an ape discovering a bone, who´s head am i gonna bash in ?nature´s pretty face ? anyway looking forward how it will evolve still.neverscared
    • What bothers me is the obstinance that this is disrupting the system. While it's only mimicking it in a poor way.palimpsest
    • On the Netflix analogy:
      These tokens are pointing to YouTube videos. While not even being part of the YouTube platform.
      So art.
      Much value.
    • NFTs have not value outside of the platform they are traded in. If the platform goes down you are left with your dick in your hand.
    • Ya'll SO playing the system in YOUR FAVOR that you're paying to mint your work.
      Like paying to upload your vids to YouTube?
    • Ya'lls just feeding the system.
      All I want is honesty.

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