Out of context: Reply #415

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  • Nairn1

    lol, if you type 'Fuck Adobe' into DDG this thread's very near the top :)

    Anyway. I realised today that Adobe sent me an email in November telling me they'd renew my subscription and then, in small print down below where I didn't see, mention it'd increase by 40%.

    Cue a chat engagement with the support and I went in a bit hard (because I was pissed off) and overplayed my hand, insisting they simply downgrade to just Illy and nix any cancellation fees, but thankfully they relented and continued me on the same thing I had before.

    I had a moment of panic, thinking I'd have to really get into Affinity Photo, which I just can't be bothered doing right now.


    I'd be annoyed that they'd overcharged me £80 since December, but then they gave me three months free too, so I'm like £5 up or something.

    What a faff, just to keep a suite of apps and services I don't even use (just Illy and PS here)

    • that's the thing.....they penalize you severely for just wanting one product. I pay $24 a month just for AEdkoblesky
    • Yeah, my problem was that I had Illy and PS subscriptions, which does get stupid. I pay a little more and have the full suite, but I don't use any of it.Nairn
    • I installed Animate when I flattened this machine last week, but I cna't see having time to play with it for .. well, ever. It's useless to me.Nairn
    • They could make a lot of money on these products if they were smart. They clearly want to own your entire online toolsetdkoblesky

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