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Out of context: Reply #2303

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  • Nairn0

    ...Not sure, me? Technology? The Universe? I'll go 'me':

    If you ever find yourself facing a USB device installation problem on Windows 10 that has no logic, because it works on another Windows 10 machine - check the fucking cables you're using.

    I've just upgraded my machine-controlling PC to Windows 10 and despite checking on a Win10 laptop that it wouldn't cause any major problems, when it came to formatting and starting the desktop over, It Just Didn't Fucking Work.

    Two+ hours on Friday and an hour and a half this morning, and I've finally traced the problem - my desktop is further away and uses a cable extension. For some reason, Windows10 didn't like that (despite having used it on Windows 7 for five+ years now).

    Always start at first principles, kids - the answer was staring me right in the face all the time.

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