Conspiracy of the day

Out of context: Reply #987

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  • qoob4

    Well, this is terrifying...

    Endocrine-disrupting chemicals embedded in everything we use may be destroying the human race…

    • unusually small penises in alligators, otters and minksdbloc
    • Yup. The REAL anthropocene boundary layer won't be some spastic-simple plastic layer, it'll be cumulative atmospheric nuke tests and perma-ChemsNairn
    • Since WW2 we've horrifically abused Gaia, each decade geometrically-so. Clear cropping, DDT, Nukes, Plastic particulate, volatile/organic pollution etc etcNairn
    • We've got like a decade or to to put a stop to this shit and start to begin to hope we can possibly try to nullify the negative impact we've had.Nairn
    • I'm actually hopeful we can sort out energy over the next decade or three. Plastic and permachems though? Fuck. Complex.Nairn
    • I think this plays into the hands of what most people want anyway. Babies by design.Hayzilla

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