Out of context: Reply #18

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  • dkoblesky1

    I am going to just take a guess and say that I think a lot of this if fueled by people who bought ETH early, probably just average working stiffs, developers, or whatever, and are now swimming in the has risen about 5x in six months......

    so to them it is like playmoney and they are just buying NFTs because it is a cool thing to do and their friends are doing it.

    The idea of this collapsing does not occur to then

    Just like 2001

    • the concept is here to stay, ethereum on the other hand may very well crashESKEMA
    • if that's the case then even if it does crash they won't lose any real money. and as long as they cash out, the artists get serious $. everyone wins.hans_glib
    • ethereum is Silicon Valley money and mindset, go fast and break things, even if it's their own shit they're breaking, they don't care.ESKEMA
    • Bitcoin is very different mindset and culture, and Cardano will eat eth's lunchESKEMA

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