Affinity Photo / Designer

Out of context: Reply #14

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  • Continuity1

    So I've been using Publisher a bit more today, to make some edits on my CV.

    I really, really like it, overall. The trouble I'm having is my muscle memory, especially with the layers panel. It's really the little things, like the location of the lock icon on a layer, and so on. No big deal, just takes a bit of getting used to.

    What I'm *not* too thrilled with, though, it's the absence of an always-there Links panel. Seems to me that's an essential thing to have. As it stands — and it took me a good 10 minutes to figure this out — you have to click Document > Resource Manager to get a window that serves the same function. However, it's not a panel like Layers, Pages, etc, and it disappears after you're done what you're doing.

    Still, for the price, this really is an excellent (and fucking fast, even on my mid-2014 MBP) alternative to InDesign. I can only hope it evolves is such a way that things like this are addressed.

    • The M1 version(s) have no load time.

      BUT old habits (Adobe) die hard, eh?
    • yeah the resource manager is a pain in the ass and incredibly ineffective - change a folder name and it makes you manually find all filescolin_s

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