
Out of context: Reply #4444

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  • shapesalad-2

    USA Gov fact sheet on evidence of Lab origin of Coronavirus.…

    I think it simply comes down to providing evidence that it really came from animal to human. Where's the evidence?

    Why weren't bats and pangolins culled?

    Norway culled millions of mink after they caught coronavirus. Why, to stop it mutating into an even deadlier more viral version, and to stop non infected humans catching it from mink. Also why did the mink catch the virus so easily? Mink are often used in virus lab experiments.

    Meanwhile over in China, are we to believer they think it's ok a worldwide pandemic causing virus that they claim has origins in bats / pangolins means it's totally ok to let said bats and pangolins of Wuhan wander around in their merry ways. While festering a deadly global pandemic virus that could mutate into a far more viral or deadlier version. While allowing future opportunities for it to crossover into humans. Why go to all the effort of stopping a pandemic at such economic detriment when you leave the source free to wander around?

    • *believe. typo.shapesalad
    • Might as well cull Brits, South Africans, and Bavarians, too, by that logic. Gotta stop this thing from mutating!

      Oops, too late.
    • lol, did you make this up? Do you imagine pangolins and bats just wander freely around China contacting people? Wow.monospaced
    • Are you really implying that bats and pangolins are just strolling through streets, all with deadly viruses, and people are what ... hugging them?monospaced
    • So seems like the basic takeaway here is...we don't know. I don't think either possibility can be ruled out. However I wouldn't necessarily take any ofyuekit
    • the things you mentioned as proof of anything. What would culling bats look like, some guy going into every cave in China with a flamethrower?yuekit
    • TIL bats wander around merrilynb
    • Sweet, sweet free pangolin hugs.Continuity
    • If you look into the history of other diseases (such as the original SARS I posted about below) you'll see that while scientists believe they came from animals,yuekit
    • the exact way this happened is still unknown in most cases. Ebola has been around since the 70s and they still don't know how it spread from bats to humans.yuekit
    • mono, not implying bats and pangolins are wandering around, but if a deadly world pandemic virus came from one, surely first thing you do is eliminate theshapesalad
    • potential for future animal>human source infections.shapesalad
    • you LITERALLY said it thoughmonospaced
    • It's transferred from bats to humans via bats genitals coming into contact with human saliva...microkorg
    • ...there's a reason bats like to come out at night cos it's when humans sleep. They fly into homes, find their human target then...microkorg
    • ...dip their balls into the open human mouth as he/she snores away completely oblivious. - Source 'Batty Times'.microkorg
    • The thought of someone getting teabagged by a bat made me giggle.Continuity
    • Norway?Nairn

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