
Out of context: Reply #71898

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  • shellie3

    My dog is an aggressive cuddler in bed. Every day I wake up squeezed in the snaked amount of real estate. She takes up an entire human sized space on the right side of the bed, head on the pillow even, and wants to spoon. My bf tangles his legs up with mine on the other side. I get about 12 inchines of width on a king sized bed. But, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm grateful for that this holiday season.

    • So awesome :) Humans don’t deserve dogs!Gnash
    • Broke up with a girl long ago bc she insisted her dog slept on the bed. He'd take so much space I had to curl up in a ball. One sleepless night too many I gtfo.spl33nidoru
    • Kudos to you though for taking it for the team!spl33nidoru
    • You broke up with a girl over that? DangGnash
    • Yeah, she wouldn’t sleep over to not leave her dog alone (I get that, I love dogs) but I was too uncomfortable trying to sleep with them at her place.spl33nidoru
    • Rules: No dogs on the bed when I'm there, and never dogs on my bed. GF threw tantrum when I refused to come over, then caved to healthy boundaries.cannonball1978
    • I don't mind my dog on my bed. Its' really my bfs dog, but I really wanted one. So I'll happily take my 12 inches of space in return of a cuddle sandwich.shellie

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