
Out of context: Reply #71842

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  • BonSeff3

    Bring Joy
    Bring joy to every moment, whatever the moment may be. Rather than taking your cue from the circumstances you find, set out to inject your own living joy into the places you go and the things you do.

    There is always room for REAL, sincere joy, even in the most difficult of situations. And it is in those difficult situations that a grateful, joyful, positive heart can make the biggest difference.
    Others may judge a particular task to be dreary, tedious, or tiresome, but that’s just their opinion. When you approach that same tasks with joy and enthusiasm, you can add enormous value.
    There’s no need to wait for joy to come to you. You’re perfectly capable of spreading it yourself, far and wide. During work and during play, when times are easy and when things are diffcult, bring joy.

    If there’s a reason for it, if there’s no reason for it, even if there are reasons not to, bring joy. Bring joy to every moment, and that is where you will know it.

    ~ Ralph Marston

    • This is the correct perspective on things, tough as it may be to do so.ideaist
    • "Don't worry, be happy."

      "Turn that frown upside down."


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