How fast can I learn Sketch?

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  • grafician0

    One thing I find very valuable regarding Sketch: it produces local source files.

    As Adobe is pushing for cloud and Figma is cloud based, Sketch is still usable offline, produces local files that can archived for years.

    I still have an old version of Sketch that I still use from time to time for small projects like presentations (exports PDF) and SVG files if Adobe or Figma are down somehow, you can still use Sketch to finish production ready projects.

    So yeah, buying a license and owning the actual app/binary on your system instead of a leased online subscription is very valuable still.

    • For fintech/gov/security organisations this is critical, cloud = risk for them.shapesalad
    • I use Sketch and Abstract for file storage and versioning. The enterprise version has SSO got through the security check at my companySlashPeckham

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