
Out of context: Reply #2658

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  • grafician0

    What to take from this new generation of Macs announcement:

    - SoC architecture is the future, everything integrated on a chip runs faster, gives more battery life BUT you have zero upgrade options (limited RAM, don't expect 64GB machines for at least 2 more generations, that even)

    - these are first generation transition machines - a test bed - mostly for regular users, in time for Xmas season, not to be taken seriously yet by pro users (would wait until M3 at least to get a machine like this)

    - most important, you can now run iOS apps on a Mac (drawing in ProCreate on a Macbook Pro with a Wacom tablet would be lovely)


    one more thing: [data] security wise, this new architecture is a nightmare, if you do something wrong and brick your laptop, it's game over for your data - zero recovery; this means investing a lot in backup solutions from day-one when getting a new Macbook

    • that final point, which came with the T chips, seems like a really huge blundermonospaced
    • Not only does consumer lose out when anything attached to that board goes out, but Apple does too having to swap the whole thing each time!monospaced
    • re: last point - presumably Apple will encourage its cloud-based backup services? Smart, if somewhat cynical, move. One up from Chromebook.Nairn
    • Agree with you about SoC Arch - high-end processing on <7nm is going to become a standard. PCs are going to change massively next decade, I think.Nairn
    • The HDD is on the chip too?slappy
    • re: last point: yes, cloud based solutions, but this would mean 100% dependancy on Apple, that would be nuts!grafician
    • @slappy no, just the RAM for now, but the "hdd" is a SSD so still a chipgrafician
    • re: 100% dependancy on Apple

      You mean, like their best-selling product, the iPhone?
    • was just waiting to see if there would be another 16" intel MBP announced. but nope - looks like i'm getting a 2019!kingsteven
    • they'll probably run the same (2019) model of 16" MBP until rolling out a redesign next year.kingsteven
    • I reckon I’d just get a PC, although the thought of it give me the heebsPhanLo
    • @Nairn no 100% dependency as in in 10 years you just lease both the hardware and software and if don't pay they can brick your phone remotely and donegrafician
    • ^more or less like what Adobe does now, if you use their cloud for files, no pay = no access to your files or any appgrafician
    • They solder the SSd to the same board as the T2 chip and a couple other parts that break. one part goes they replace it all and do not guarantee data is safemonospaced
    • This Apple CPU is more memory efficient and thus needs less Ram just like on iPhones or iPads.NBQ00

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