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Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Nairn3

    First real job: Web Designer for a regional newspaper publisher
    (prior, during uni, I'd done worked a few months a year as a construction labourer, then an electrical apprentice)

    Now: No title, I cut and etch things for people with a laser.

    Where next? Not sure. I WAS going to pack everything in and try going back to pure digital/print this year, as we have a kid now, my partner needs to get back to work and i want long-term to have a job I can shift abroad, but then '2020', so now everything's up in the air. If I can find investment, expand and grow because I've been treading water for too long due to lack of expansion.

    I don't have any hobbies. I don't play computer games any more and I barely watch TV even. Occasionally I'll read a book. At the moment, it's all about the kid and work. Ok, I read a LOT on the internet, as much of it as possible 'useful' or informative, as well as watch a lot YouTubes in the same vein. That's not a hobby, that's just low-grade learning and distraction, quickly forgot.

    Challenges - see 'where next?' above. I'd dearly like to leave London, but the timeframe for that slips a couple of years every year or. I WILL leave London before my kid gets to secondary school, come hell or high water. I'm not having her go to school in this fucking city, unless I magically become wealthy and can send her to some shithead private school. Unlikely.

    • Fucking hell. Can you ever not fucking indulge yourself with large tracts of shit?Nairn
    • London is for the super rich or poor. I left 10 years ago and never looked back.Chimp
    • Yup, you're not wrong. My brother's just left and got himself a fucking farm for the price of a shitty 2 bed flat around where I live.Nairn
    • Couldn’t agree more. London is for the super rich. Or the super poor. There’s no middle ground.shapesalad
    • In London you can either stretch yourself into debt trying to appear rich, or you are pushed down amongst the super poor. Living in a £600k one bed in a ghetto.shapesalad

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