All About You

Out of context: Reply #18

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  • grafician0

    First: Web Master for a local IT shop at 19-20?
    Now: Visual Designer? Senior? After 15 years...

    Career: I did everything I wanted, from working print shops, packaging, art direction, a lot of web design, branding, books and album covers, merch, photography, art shows, A LOT of stuff.

    I enjoy doing logos a lot and branding small businesses, but I guess I'll end up in Product more in the following years while doing abstract painting on the side.

    Challenges: I hate that being a Senior forces you to go into management and leading teams - I just wanna design stuff...forever.

    Hobbies: I guess I collect magazines - I have over a ton of them - a pain when it comes to moving...
    I also help out all my designer friends with identifying fonts (noticed lots of designers can't even distinguish Arial from Helvetica, but that's ok)

    Oddities: I never did any graffiti. Ever. Also never took a real vacation in 12 years - except maybe a few days in team buildings.

    • Remember to vacay bruvcanoe
    • ^I knooow mom! I will mom!grafician
    • Have about 3 open projects, 3 prospects, waiting on 2 job offers and an old client wants me to help them with an Alexa Developer competition...grafician
    • Vacay or time for painting, the same...grafician

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