
Out of context: Reply #4

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  • 7 Responses
  • dkoblesky-1

    Sorry to annoy....but once I go to broadcast it is no longer in that category.

    How do I say, place a post *inside* of that category?

    I will learn. I know I can.

    Thanks for whoever has patience with me

    • just click a thread in the sidebar then you have a Respond box at the bottom of the page where you write your stuffgrafician
    • no html code or embeds, just text, .gif .jpg .png extensions, and just copy paste youtube links and they will displaygrafician
    • if you want to start some shit, just go to the hamburger menu on top right, hit Broadcast and input your stuff, your post will appear in the left sidebargrafician
    • there are a lot of discussions/threads already, just explore them for a while, before going crazy and Broadcastinggrafician
    • these days we hit Broadcast a new thread/discussion if it's really important, unless it's a WTF post (WHAT'S THE FONT) not wtf wtfgrafician
    • also yeah you can delete anything, so think twice before ever posting, just in casegrafician
    • *you CAN'T DELETEgrafician
    • if you're not certain of posting something, there's a Test thread…grafician

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