Ask the UK of the Day

Out of context: Reply #50

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  • cherub0

    Chavs, how do they work?

    -How would you define a chav?

    -What the fuck is it with chavs and burberry? Is burberry like their spirit animal or something?

    • what year is it? i miss chavskingsteven
    • ha, a friend got ticked off recently because she described a bunch of post-hipster Hackneyites as 'chavvy' - apparently that was not PC of her, lolNairn
    • chavs are basically the white underclasshans_glib
    • mmm, it's a bit more nuanced than that - they're definitely part of the white underclass, but they're a product of it, not it in its entiriety.Nairn
    • This is why I asked for a definition.cherub
    • derogatory term for young people from lower income families c. 2000-10. britian's last true fashion sub culture. now kids come pre-lobotomised/ tiktok enabled.kingsteven
    • eh, I remember chavs not being a new thing in the early 90s. Or 'charvers' as they say in certain parts.Nairn
    • Funny - where my gran lived there was a distinct difference in the kids I 'grew up with', some of whom would definitely fit the chav description. Neds, rather.Nairn
    • I got totally shit-faced on Bucky, sitting in the drizzle on a 70s era Catholic school's steps, when I was about 15. Poor Gran just thought I was ill...Nairn
    • ..tried to give me a 'cure' made up of something like milk and a drop of whisky the morning after. i winced like fuck. Grandad knew it was electric juiceNairn
    • For me, coming from sunny Spain, it was an interesting cultural dip.Nairn
    • yeah, not at all new to the 2000's but that was the era of the chav, synonymous with the impending death of subcultures and the middle class :)kingsteven
    • now it would seem youth culture is just cyborgs wearing an homogenised amalgamation of hip-hop and terrace fashionkingsteven
    • In the north west they are called scallies. Basically a shit taste in sports cloths and bad attitude to life. You can even have rich chavs too.Chimp

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