
Out of context: Reply #2589

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  • craigatkinson2

    Apple Watch 6 review:

    I got the new Apple Watch, sold on the sleep tracking and SPO2 etc. First thing I noticed is that it doesn't track sleep, it just tells you how long you've been asleep. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but unless you're really fucked, you should know when you wake, how long you've been asleep? And if you don't wake, well, it doesn't matter anyway? It actually doesn't even tell you how long you've been asleep, it tells you how long it thinks you've been asleep, based on what you've told the clock app about your usual bedtime. A stopwatch by the bed would do better.

    Also, the SPO2 — it's either 95% or above=fine, or it's not=see a Dr. And it's unlike the heart monitor in that really, it's a toy, isn't constant and it doesn't happen while sleeping — at least it didn't while I was sleeping. I guess if it did alert you while sleeping, it would trigger the raised heart detection, creating enough worry to begin AF. Apple Watch saving lives.

    And...the blue watch, looks great online. In reality it looks a bit like a shit car with a big exhaust.

    So it's being returned.

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