Space is the place

Out of context: Reply #205

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  • Nairn1

    Another Great Filter could be much more mundane: We're the only intelligent species that sees time as we do, ever moving forward with little consequence for the past, nor what is deemed as the uncontrollable future. This doesn't even need some sort of weird trans-temporal pseudo-science, it could just be linguistic, psychological or some sort of weird pan-species empathic quirk that results in cultures that aren't as aggressively expansionist and 'curious' as we appear to be. Perhaps that is a conceit. Of course it's a conceit.

    But what if it weren't?

    What if there is a panpoply of evolved societies out there, but we're the first to have some expansionist outlook? Heck, we have human cultures here on Earth that don't much give a shit about 'developing' along the lines expected by the ones sending rockets into space.

    So, I figure, given that we've not seen any evidence of aliens yet: We're the very first - time hasn't allowed for other intelligent species to develop andf the galaxy is empty. Or, we're the first expansionist species.

    If either of these are true, we'll end up being the Galactic Bastards.

    Or perhaps I've watched Avatar too many times.

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