Out of context: Reply #5

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  • PhanLo6

    Saying NY is done is a bit stupid and short term.
    1970's New York had a bit more 'life' than today.

    • yeah new york looks like it used to be fun.ben_
    • spent a lot of time skateboarding there in the 90's and it's changed so much.ben_
    • Do you ever wish you could go back in time to different places and experience them, like a time tourist? I'd love to wander around 70's NY – The Warriors vibesBaskerviIle
    • Nope, never.
      I'd love to visit 1905s metropolises - LDN, NY, Paris, Tokyo, Shanghai, Calcutta, Constant...just, everyfuckingwhere
    • ...Berlin! And then do the same but 1925, then 1880, then.. Jesus.
      The reason we don't have time travel is bound to our not yet being immortal.
    • I want to see my hometown across all of its ages, from before the Neanderthals had caves there. Timetravel would be the ultimate timesuck.Nairn
    • @Nairn there is a scene in the movie Lucy in which you see a timelapse since the ancient Lucy to current Times Square...grafician
    • Last pic, Brazil Terry Guilliami_was
    • Amazing photos.. Where they from? Is there any more?dee-dubs
    • I'd love to go back to the early 80's new york, birth of hiphop, handball court graffiti, downtown scene, paint a subway car.PhanLo
    • Last time I was there I got to see Pete Rock DJ in a tiny bar, which was cool. Folk were dancing like crazy, but we'd not long arrived and had to leave earlyPhanLo
    • as we were jetlaggedPhanLo
    • Some more flicks
    • @ Dee-Dubs I got them here, there's a few more too https://allthatsinte…PhanLo
    • Poor dogs and all those kids making fun of them, who is the animal ?i_was

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