Client of the Day

Out of context: Reply #334

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  • oey_oey1

    Client likes my style and hires me for what I do.

    Client wants a map for an event that will be used as the background of the website (this event will happen online due pandemic) with no symbols like coffee cups or symbols that represent the event taking place and the different lectures.

    The same design should be used in a flyer and in a book cover.

    The proposal I did stylized map with abstract and minimal elements that represent water, ground, grass, ramps, stairs, roads, etc...
    The colors I chose were magenta, pink, yellow, light blue and white over a dark blue.

    Client replies asking for me to use more elements that have something to do with the event and the lectures instead of the ones I used.

    I first say okay...but then I think will it still look like a map though it's an abstract map? That's not what you asked for and that's not what I've been working the last two weeks, the deadline is in 5 days.

    Now it seems that client moved from initial idea to 9 illustrations that reflect the lectures and it doesn't matter that it does like a map.

    Then other person in the clients department writes that bold sans serif typeface over dark blue looks like Nivea, specially if I use a white rectangle around the text then it's totally Nivea.

    And since I used that setting for the Twitter feed part of the map this persons tells that Twitter has to be more creamy.

    I forgot to mention that I use a a box with a white outline or dark blue depends of the backgrounds color around the name of the lecture.

    To be honest that with the Nivea pissed me off a bit...

    Okay, I have to sort it out now and I replaced the dark blue with purple but this fucks up all the color palette that the client initially agreed to.

    Then one of the clients tells me that a white bold sans serif over dark blue is already used by Nivea so I have to come up with something different and maybe I don't realize of these rules because I'm too artsy.

    They also said that they could accept part of the design for the website's background and flyer but I would need to come up with something more into the theme of the event for the book cover.

    I didn't use Metro Typeface but Renner* and the shade of blue is lighter than Nivea.

    Now I have 5 days to work it out...

    I know I will but the last two days were very frustrating cause instead of working on some sort of constructive feedback related to what was asked I'm trying to keep most of the original design and keep my style and somehow find a way to meet the client's demands and that depressed me a bit.

    Sorry, I just had to vent...didn't do client design work in a long time...and frustrated that one person who decides over the overall design has a awesome visual culture.

    Now back to work...

    • shit..that was pretty long, sorry guys...oey_oey

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