Out of context: Reply #7

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    "Yes, I hate you, and I'm not afraid of expressing that, because it's my right to. And you won't find anything homophobic from me."

    • but im black...
    • might not be homophobic... but whats that word... oh yea racist
    • I’m not racist though.monospaced
    • And you’re not black.monospaced
    • You have never met me
    • Im pretty sure you are the inspiration for the antiflag song
    • And to say I'm not black. Disregarding all my feelings about how I see myself without ever asking me hate
    • I very well could be a black man who identifies as white to try and better my position in the world but u keep calling me a broke n word...always about on my ne
    • You seem confused.monospaced
    • about something but not about racist intent
    • You’re wrongmonospaced
    • The science checks it

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