
Out of context: Reply #3191

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  • whatthefunk7

    • MAGA will never grasp the conceptutopian
    • i fully accept private business rights. require masks and refuse to bank cakes for gays. private businesses can act accordingly and poeple shoudl respect themdeathboy
    • "bank cakes for gays"?Nutter
    • *bakedeathboy
    • the problem is the hypocrisy of it all.deathboy
    • says the guy who enjoys old people bleeding from their head , right deahty..neverscared
    • OMG never you are so cleverly trying to steer conversation away from the hypocrisy of the posts reasondeathboy
    • perhaps you;d like to suggest why private enterprise personal beliefs of masks is differetn than beliefs of baking cakes.deathboy
    • or you simply believe in privates industry right to discriminate for self interests?deathboy
    • im ok with it. but can you say the samedeathboy
    • ok, bleeding head loving guy, like if covid 19 discriminates between private and public... it is as utopian says in the first post.neverscared
    • Refusing someone's business because they are a potential health risk and refuse to do something really simple to help prevent it isn't even remotely close toben_
    • refusing to serve people based on sexual orientation, race, gender etc. It's closer to not allowing patrons to bring their guns into your store.ben_
    • deathboy doesn't understand the legal and societal underpinnings of civil rights, because he's a stupid piece of shit, and therefore his input is worthlessmonospaced
    • Two of these situations present real (however unknown) dangers to people in the store - i.e. both covid and guns are proven to kill. Whereas being gay, not so.ben_
    • @mono, he loves his facts though.ben_
    • "his" facts? oh, okaymonospaced
    • makin an joke when someone weak gets pushed by someone stronger and bleeds from his head is no science, it´s sheer superhate combined with superhate.neverscared
    • Yes, precisely... “his”.ben_
    • super hate plus total inability to think or reason (stupidity) and an education so poor he is left with a communication disability and a chip on his shouldermonospaced
    • haha naw i understand it far better than you based on your portrayal. your beliefs are superior than others and as such you think you can stomp over whateverdeathboy
    • i mean you say "real than qualify real as "however unknown" while than tying in gun arguments... lol like talking to eight yr oldsdeathboy
    • influenza and aids can kill as well and since being gay highly transmit aids more we coudl cure aids by banning gays right?deathboy
    • or would you agree that thinking is as irrational as your thinking? irrational in sense of individual liberties. but totally plausible and just indeathboy
    • in the ideologies you seem to constantly promote. which might be the issue. you can differentiate individual rights from personal well intended beliefs u holddeathboy
    • anmd never you miss the point. covid 19 doesnt discriminate. but ppl do. you do. and your excuses for such discriminationdeathboy
    • hypocrisy of validating one over another. maybe its a bit too high levle thinkign for you to understand. you should vote for mroe private educationdeathboy
    • how all the rich kids get ahead not learning to behinds mindless slave twatsdeathboy
    • I wasn’t talking about banning anything, good job trying to twist comments to your fucked up narrative. Again.ben_
    • deathyboy loves the stomping with blood he loves the hate so much.neverscared
    • Don't click on deathboy's profile.monospaced
    • uh actually no benny you talk of banning people not wearing masks in business. no twistsdeathboy
    • which goes back to the the entire basis of the arguement. how can one ban be respected on private enterprise irrational fears but not another?deathboy
    • perhaps you can try not slide aroudn the argument and act like its not there and try to answer itdeathboy

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