America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #978

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  • utopian0

    • even if it was true, so what?Gnash
    • ^ to be fair we do spout that trumps dad was in the KKKmoldero
    • both sides are corrupt, Im most likely going to vote for brain dead biden, but I'm not going to act like the dems shit doesn't stink.moldero
    • I'm tempted to not vote again, let it all burn till we get someone who actually gives a shit about us run for once.moldero
    • why settle for incremental change?moldero
    • because incremental change is better than going backwards deeper into white supremacy?zarkonite
    • you'll never get a politican that's 100% what you want, take the small wins and move forward pls.zarkonite
    • Ya, gotta vote, dude. ANYTHING is better than trump for 4 more years. the guy will go for broke.Gnash
    • I agree incremental change is better than no change, but if we can have real change by letting this mother fucker burn, then let it burnmoldero
    • 4 years ago, when us bernie guys didnt show up to the polls for a little political chess, thats what we were hoping for and it's burning alrightmoldero
    • it makes me wonder, would all this defund the police talk be happening if Hillary was in office?moldero
    • or maybe we'd be distracted from it because we'd be in another god damn warmoldero
    • 1 thing about dumb fuck trump is we're in a hellofalot less wars than if an establishment candidate was in office, i'll give him that, but thats it.moldero
    • though this is fucking exhausting, every god damn thing is fuckin divided and political nowmoldero
    • ill most likely vote for Pelosi I mean Bidenmoldero
    • yet way more drone strikes, just not reported any morefadein11
    • not saying he's not killing, he is, but not nearly as much as past establishment presidentsmoldero

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