America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #947

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  • nb7

    Related to PhanLo's post.

    The vast majority of Americans who defend the US health insurance system simply have never experienced the good life in ANY other rich country. If they did, they would not stand for the shitty US system. American politicians get away with lies like "we have the best and most advanced healthcare system in the world" because only immigrants have anything to compare it to, and immigrants don't vote.

    The richest country in the world can easily afford public health care. Easily. It's just too profitable for a few big companies and the politicians (mostly Republicans, but basically everyone) are bought off.

    A great sarcastic tweet I saw recently:

    • The crazy thing is that the US government already spends the same or more per capita as many countries that have a full public health system.yuekit
    • That's in addition to all the money that is spent on private health care.yuekit
    • Yeah when I tell Canadians what we pay for healthcare in NY they literally can't understand how we fit it into our budget. "How do you afford to live?"nb
    • As a foreigner in the US I actually have to say healthcare here IS a lot better. BUT you pay stupendous amounts to have it that way.hardhat
    • I’ve lived extensively in New Zealand and the UK. Both of which have great, but far from perfect healthcare systems. US: Can’t afford it? You’re royally fuckedhardhat
    • Just don’t be fat lazy fucks. Put down the big gulp and strap on a pair of trainers. Live a healthy lifestyle and the whole system benefits_niko
    • I also don’t think it’s about being “healthy” or not. I had to get a colonoscopy and it was SUPER easy in US & I know in NZ it was a bit of a bun-fight to gethardhat
    • But like I said, you pay for it one way or another. Point being the healthcare in US IS really good. But only if you can access ithardhat
    • Varies from state to state and country to country, of course.nb
    • No system is perfect, but to argue that the US is "the best system" is demonstrably false.nb
    • Healthcare costs are a huge incentive to be fit & healthy. Chronic lifestyle disease is by far the majority of those costs, and are largely preventable. Do it.BustySaintClaire
    • Try do be fit & healthy with Type 1 Diabetes...dmay

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