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Out of context: Reply #13

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  • jonny_quest_lives0

    Design related but not necessarily a specific design otherwise I would have posted in an existing thread...…

    "With 750 designers in 23 offices spread across 18 countries"

    How does that work? I've only had Mid level agency experience and all the dysfunction associated with just 100 employees spread across various departments and every account/team having a different workflow is more than enough to write several books.

    • Each office serves the local market and occasionally the entire network gets big clients and sends a brief CC: to all, then each office pitches in their ideasgrafician
    • You only interact with ppl in your office/branch. The network can have guidelines for work, but each office is mostly different.grafician
    • So how does the underwriting occur? Does each office tithe to the larger Corporate entity? I assume larger offices write their own ticket to a degree.jonny_quest_lives
    • While smaller markets struggle to hit performance metrics. I think I washaving a hard time accepting the scale.jonny_quest_lives
    • Not really. A network is a just a bunch of small agencies brought together to win bigger/global clients. Only CDs and top management discuss network issues.grafician
    • I assume pivoting, retracking and adapting to client's needs can happen on the account level. Having been elbow deep in in sausage making all these years.jonny_quest_lives
    • Worked at Saatchi and Wunderman a few years back, we had global clients like Toyota, Jack Daniels, Unilever, Microsoft, but doing local projects for them.grafician
    • Most agencies live contract to contract, invoice to invoice so subsidizing that much overhead just causes me to short circuit.jonny_quest_lives
    • Sure, we had network guidelines for a lot of stuff, but each of us did our stuff how we seem fit for the project at hand.grafician
    • You basically do whatever to get results and keep the clients happy and keep the cash flowing for the network.grafician
    • And sure, creatives hated client service people for overpromising, and client service hates creatives for missing unrealistic deadlinesgrafician
    • So basically the samsies but bigger...
      Account Teams suffering Stockholm syndrome with their clients. Creatives wondering why it all went pear shaped.

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