Punches For:

Out of context: Reply #2145

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  • Nairn2


    Been working my ass off all day since 8.30 - two hours domestic with the kid, then into work and getting out a load of wee projects. Rush rush, money money. I expect to be here 'til gone 11pm, then same again tomorrow and the day after.

    Get onto a bigger job - a regular one I do - and prepare £70 odd worth of material by cutting it into specific-sized sheets to accomodate expected unit types.

    Except I'd misread the spec and client had made a minor but critical mention of a change across one dimension.

    = I spent 2 hours manually preparing 24 sheets for cutting, costing £70+ and have done it all wrong.

    I can use the material and it's not the end of the world, but fucking hell. How the hell did I miss that one critical descriptor in her email? Nngh.


    In a slump, I'm going through my personal email account and deleting thousands of useless emails - it's grimly satisfying in the face of minor disaster.

    • Dull post is dull, but this is more of a ping to see if Continuity's out there...Nairn
    • If it helps ordered a 20"x16" print for something the other day, due to post delays and what not a 40"x30" print arrives three weeks later.webazoot
    • Check the order email, says 40"x30". How did I mess that up. (Though they charged me the 20"x16" price so I'm part convinced it was a mess up in their system)webazoot
    • I ordered a new rashguard from Tatami and an XS ladies one arrived. I'm 95kg :(Doris_McSquirter
    • It's the daughters' now.Doris_McSquirter
    • OH, now I know who you are, hahaNairn
    • Well, maybe.Nairn
    • You punch yourself too muchGnash

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