USA to UK relocation guide

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  • cherub0

    I was told by my American friends who had traveled abroad, that the uk would be prohibitively expensive. In my experience in southern wales, that for the most part was not true... at least when compared to prices in the US.

    There are 4 things that I noticed that were outrageously expensive in the UK. If you can dodge buying these 4 you'll be alright.

    (In order of outrageousness)
    train tickets
    football tickets

    Keep in mind. I'm not a native, so go easy on me. But this is what I noticed.

    • I wrote "football tickets" but I meant rugby tickets.cherub
    • Train tickets can be cheaper if you buy in advance. Buy on the day though and yeah - outrageously expensive.Nairn
    • I imagine you found food more expensive too? I get the impression food in America is super-cheap.Nairn
    • Also, your experience in Wales would be different to that of the typical tourist going around London and Edinburgh, neither of which are particularly cheapNairn
    • And you've hit upon exactly why I didn't go to London or Edinburgh. My heart was saying go to London! go to Hyde Park! Go see the Scottish coast! But my walletcherub
    • was saying Go chill with the sheep in Wales! So I went with the sheep lol.cherub
    • Next time, do Edinburgh if you can - it's a very European-feeling city. LDN's a 'global capital' which .. well, has its negatives.Nairn
    • Friend of mine who moved to the US some years ago wants to move back to the UK but doesn't see how due to cost of housing here & some US medical debts they havewebazoot
    • Rural Wales is certainly cheaper in pubs and for eating out compared to most of the UK.webazoot

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