America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #536

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  • maquito-14

    I do not think that the title "America is Fucked" contributes anything positive in the face of a worrying crisis, and to a certain extent it is a bit offensive to me, as if it mocks the reality that the whole country is experiencing.

    Does anyone think like me? Can we put it to the test of upvotes / downvotes in case there is the possibility of requesting the title to be modified?

    • -1Continuity
    • why, @Continuity?maquito
    • No amount of positivity is going to un-fuck America.
      It's un-fuckable at this point.
    • Because the title's an accurate reflection of what's happening, that's why.Continuity
    • With no intention of arguing, just out of curiosity. Maybe I'm wrong and I don't know itmaquito
    • Yep. Maybe it's only in my head, but every time I read it I sense a smirk, like "ha!, america is fucked".maquito
    • Well, at least it was an ice-breaker. sort of ¯\_(-,-)_/¯maquito
    • Well, I'm sure a number of users on QBN might have that interpretation of the title.
      And it's their right.
    • in the face of everything going on you feel the name of a internet thread is a important thing because its not positive?Nutter
    • You should take the title with a grain of sarcasm. It‘s fucked. But also not THAT fucked. The whole world is fucked.NBQ00
    • I mean there is absolutely zero stopping you from creating a thread called "America is super duper"Nutter
    • oh noes, a snowflake got triggered! and not by the fucked up system that supports injustice, racism and inequality, but a thread title.Milan
    • @Nutter, no, it's not about the importance. I didn't want to make a statement here, just thinking out loud. And yes, I feel ridiculous.maquito
    • @maq, it's all good, mate. We love you.Continuity
    • yeah @maq no hard feelings either, I get you but I don't think its the right way. But create a positive america thread if you want. might be good in these timesNutter
    • aww, tks :P
      Sorry guise, I feel guilty for my emo moment, keep scrolling and enjoy your day.
    • SlashPeckham
    • This thread was made in reference to something else, but hinting at underlying strife. Not its fault it was perhaps more prescient than expected.Nairn
    • What a fucking idiot my god, worrying about the title of a thread.i_was
    • People looking for positivity, this ain't your thread. The name calling in the notes seems to reenforce that.DRIFTMONKEY

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