
Out of context: Reply #243

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  • _niko1

    watching now, my kid's so interested in space and space flight but i can't bear to have him watch this with me in case something happens :(

    probably why there is such a disinterest in such a momentous event, parents trying to protect their kids.

    I'll never forget how i felt during challenger and I didn't even see it live.

    Godspeed brave voyagers to the cosmos!

    • I'm conflicted in watching it live with my 2 young boys for the same reason.
      I remember watching the challenger explode live at school. It was pretty heavy...
    • because one of our teachers was in the Teacher in Space project.fooler
    • just rewind the feed a few minutes and monitor on the phone.uan
    • ended up watchig it with him, glad i did, I explained to him that things could go wrong and we lost astronauts in the past so to be prepared. he loved it_niko
    • ^ Good you shared it with him. I remember watching the shuttle take-offs at school for years. Even with the tragedy, it was inspiring.formed
    • It's something you can share with him forever and could be the first in an impressive move to space.formed

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