
Out of context: Reply #2908

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  • grafician2

    Read today that countries in Eastern Europe were getting hit less by covid as they closed borders early and were not huge travel hubs.

    (whoever said this earlier in comments in a discussion on the map, you were right)

    Makes sense, as most of our earlier cases were all "imported".

    Also that we handled it more quickly and strictly because ppl were more easily convinced to lockdown by growing up in former communist countries and having a bit more fear for authority, less antivaxxers movements, etc.

    All this added up to having way less cases and way lower deaths toll, the medical systems handling it more easily and all that.

    Most E. Europe countries opened up sooner, cases still dropping by the day, after 2 weeks. In 2-3 more weeks maybe we can call it a day on this first wave...

    Went for shopping today, still 10-20 people around on the street and in shop, mask wearing, distancing. People got the idea quickly here...

    • *2 weeks after lockdown
      Need to be really specific now as NBQ might hunt me down again...
    • Either that or we all learn how to never touch, hug, or kiss anyone like the Germans...robotron3k
    • In the same article, said the virus spread more rapidly in Italy or Spain because ppl accustomed to handshake/hug/touch more...grafician
    • In the same article, pretty much all other EU countries got it from that trip to ski cabin in the Alps...grafician
    • Also Madrid has a massive Chinese community that fly back to China quite often.Chimp
    • Think Milan had that too, but I didn't read anything mentioning Chinese ppl bringing it there, it's still speculation.grafician
    • Also some articles/studies mention initial cases in the US were imported from Europe, not from Chinagrafician
    • https://www.nytimes.…grafician
    • Curious to see if when we get a second wave, as Greece will open travel for 25 countries in the summer...grafician
    • But at least we know just by closing travel/borders we can reduce the spread significantly.grafician
    • the italians are kissy and touchy feely which could be why it spread so crazy therehotroddy

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