
Out of context: Reply #70978

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  • Continuity5

    I hate job hunting, I really do. It's shit when it's not a recession, and a real kick in the balls when it's full-on hurtling toward another Great Depression.

    Worse: I have over 500 contacts on LinkedIn, many of them former colleagues from years ago I haven't stayed in touch with, and I keep feeling it would be fucking weird if I sent a message to them out of the blue asking if they could give me a hand after years of not giving them the time of day. And a shit-ton of contacts I've never met, never worked with, and never communicated with.

    Fucking hell, ugh. I'm a really shit networker.

    • I'm in the same boat.nb
    • Fucking sucks, right? All those potential contacts, and I didn't do anything to nurture the relationships to my advantage.Continuity
    • I actually was good at helping other people find jobs. Always connecting others. Those people want to help me too, but now it's so difficult.nb
    • I hate that I haven't maintained contact with past colleagues. It's just plain stupidGnash
    • Pro tip, kids; Keep in touch with colleagues!Gnash
    • ^ Too right. And hopefully avoid precisely this situation.Continuity
    • I also loved my previous colleagues and they loved me and it's still hard to maintain those contacts and it's been like a monthnb
    • I’ve always hated Linken-In. It started to become like a game to see who could get the most contacts. Then it became more like Facebook.fooler
    • Yep, LinkedIn is like FB except if you get good at LinkedIn it's worth maybe +$10-30k per year to your salary.nb
    • I've never done Linken-In, always wondered if I should, but the spam and corporate impression of it always put me off.webazoot
    • That said I've worked with a lot of people over the years I've lost touch with that I'd be happy to do a good turn for if I could so why not send some messages.webazoot
    • @web Never do that, unless you know the contact in real life...grafician
    • Recent story: a "way back" contact msg me the other day asking for info on how to get into UI design - after 5-6 years of no talk...grafician
    • ...I dropped a lot of info, articles, resources, she thankd me for help, case closed. We just resumed connection like we haven't talked in a week, not 5 years!grafician
    • @graf: weird, right? And I can imagine you weren't all that inclined to help that contact out after so many years of no contact.Continuity
    • Point being, for many ppl doesn't matter if you talk or not for years, just be there when needed, being a decent nice person.grafician
    • So Continuity if we're connections, and we've met at least one time in this life, I would still help out, no questions asked man. Don't hesitate to msg people.grafician
    • But if you're actively looking, here's a good job board: https://dailyremote.…grafician
    • and also just post some recent projects in your Linkedin feed, then after a few days, post a "looking for a new position" post, people will notice and help.grafician
    • Cool, thanks for the link, mate.
      And yeah, maybe you're right: maybe I should be a bit more shameless, and just start messaging people.
    • There's also a saying: "if you don't ask, the answer is always 'no'"grafician
    • Yup, correct.Continuity
    • Oh and btw, Linkedin's reach is CRAZY! I got views from CEOs of big US startups even on reposts of tech articles on my profile!grafician
    • Also "we're all in this together" attitude is very strong these days, ppl not judging or being arrogant as usual anymore! Everybody feels like helping...grafician
    • If you want to get a job fast, make a bad ass linked in profile. Watch the videos and read the tips to making a good profile. People WILL contact you.robotron3k

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