
Out of context: Reply #70971

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  • BusterBoy5

    nairn's post about killing the mouse just gave me a flashback to a story from my childhood.

    I was about 11 or 12 and went over to my best friend's place one day after school. He had a really cool backyard...with a built in trampoline, a swimming pool and a massive pigeon enclosure...his Dad used to breed and race them. Problem was, my friend's pet cat used to kill the occasional pigeon and his Dad would freak out. I remember him screaming "if that damned cat gets another one of my birds, I'm going to put a bullet through its head".

    So we're mucking around on the trampoline...and in the bushes I can see this furry little fucker with a pigeon in its mouth...still flapping its wings. My friend freaks...chases the cat around the entire backyard and finally manages to get the cat to drop the pigeon after about 10 minutes of Benny Hill style mayhem.

    He picks up the pigeon and the poor little thing is panting like crazy...but we're thinking, maybe we can just get it to calm down a bit, put it back in the cage and his Dad will be none the wiser.

    Then I notice some blood on my friend's hand. He has no idea where it's coming he flips the bird over and the poor little fucker has a massive hole in it...just under its neck.

    We both freak out some more not knowing what to do...but we agree there's no way the pigeon can survive my friend says to me he's seen his Dad occasionally ring the neck of a sick or dying bird and maybe he could give that a try. Why not...what could possibly go wrong?

    So he has a couple of yanks on the neck...nothing happens. The bird is still breathing. We freak out a little more...then he just starts to twist the bird's head round and round untils it's done about 4 or 5 full twists...he lets go and the bloody thing does a Linda Blair swivel on us and its head twists back into place and the bird keeps breathing and moving its beak. We both scream like little girls having no idea what the fuck to do at this point.

    My friend then picks up the closest thing to him...a dirty great garden shovel and just starts smashing the bird as hard as he can...had to keep going for what seemed like an eternity before it stopped breathing.

    We ended up burying it in the backyard...fucking traumatised us both for ages...all to save the little fucker of a cat. Luckily his Dad never said anything...not sure if he ever noticed it gone.

    • What a story!_niko
    • haha, great! I once smashed a favoured Le Creuset iron skillet offing a pigeon that had been demi-gnawed by an otherwise disinterested cat.Nairn
    • ...which is why i now use bricks or pans I don't care so much about to put rodents and such out of their misery.Nairn
    • We once shot at birds with a pellet gun. Took dozens and dozens of shots to put one out of its misery. Still messed up over that too.monospaced
    • Friends at uni went out to 'shoot rabbits' with a pellet gun. They came back traumatised because they actually hit one, which speedily fucked off.Nairn
    • it's funny the shit we did as kids without really in any way thinking about the consequences in advance.Nairn
    • About 13, I went onto my roof in a storm with an RC controller and 'tried to attract lightning'. Dad asked me after - "but what if it had worked?".Nairn
    • Then tI would have gotten the 1.21 gigawatts I needed dad duh_niko
    • :)Nairn
    • It's funny after so many years...the event is still clear as a bell.BusterBoy

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