
Out of context: Reply #70962

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  • Nairn0

    Killed a mouse this afternoon.

    Little fucker had gotten stuck in a rat trap we had outside. It's a weird plastic trap with an indistinct armed mode. I thought I could get it into a bucket and then hoy it in a park or something, but by the time I got it into the fucking bucket, I realised the trap had already sprung and its tail was caught/fucked. Poor little bastard was doomed.

    I took the bucket out of view of my daughter who had been whooping at my sweary efforts then took a brick and bludgeoned the poor little fucker. The mouse, not my daughter.

    Quick, efficient, brutal.

    A bit too brutal - I need to buy a new bucket.

    That's the third mouse this year I've had to personally despatch. They're so cute, and then BAM, they're a visceral horror scene.

    • I also learnt today that it's actually illegal here in the UK to release mice and rodents into the 'wild'. You have to humanely kill them.Nairn
    • https://media.tenor.…Bluejam
    • Next move, I'm moving to some shitty sterile new build place, on a second floor or above. Done with having to off cute things to save familial sanity.Nairn
    • bad move, moving to a sterile boooring place, meh!... Let your daughter enjoy the pleasures of the wildOBBTKN
    • you smashed it? brutalmonospaced
    • Btw mice hate cheese...grafician
    • You say they hate cheese - I'd agree, but - my partner spilled cream in the fridge, some (a lot) of which dripped through into the rear overflow pot.Nairn
    • Overflow pot sits right on top of compressor, so gets quite warm. Our kitchen began STINKING a few days back, and it was driving us nuts as weNairn
    • couldn't quite work out the source. Obviously as a cheesey gack smell it was something to do with the cream, but it had all been cleaned from fridgeNairn
    • Then I checked behind fridge and saw a dead mouse in a trap - aha, ew - that must've been the smell. Never smelt like that before. Remove dead mouse.Nairn
    • Smell stays, gets worse. A day later I remember about overflow thing so check that and ta-da, horrid pus-like cheese semi-liquid mass that hadNairn
    • been warmed every tie the cooling kicked in. I'm guessing that was what attracted the poor wee rodent, because trap was right underneath it.Nairn

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