
Out of context: Reply #70943

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  • sr_rosa2

    I volunteer at a non-profit. They do an awful job at communication. I have gradually offered my help doing design for specific campaigns or events.

    They planned doing a video for social media, where each volunteer records oneself reading a script to edit them together. It was a shitshow. It was a video to be released on a specific date celebrating an internacional day, and they wrote a script that touches a handful of topics, and is boring and generic. Instead of asking everyone to record the whole script to allow editing, they asked each one to record just a phrase. There was no indication on the tone of the message, so each one recorded what they wanted, including some props like funny hats or wigs. You get the idea. And most important, it has no clear purpose or goal. Thus I for once did not take part.

    So I thought it could be a good moment to address the elephant in the room and offer my help to create a strategic plan to improve how the organisation communicates. Not even focusing around changing its logo, or a new website — which would be easily a major improvement —, or the kind of things we designers tend to obsess about; just a plan to help stablish goals and a plan to achieve them, specially online where there is no direction.

    I have not seen the final video yet, but on internal groups they are thanking everyone, and saying it is going to be great and they are really happy with the result.

    And I do not know anymore if it is just that ego driven voice in every designer head telling me how great things would be if I was in charge, or if they really need some help, but I feel like bringing it up would be just me being a killjoy.

    • They don't care. Don't waste your time.Hayoth
    • But they do care. They just don’t know it yetGnash
    • Been in this scenario before, don't do it, is not worth it, as they have no clue about communicationgrafician
    • It sounds like a thankless task and a task you are likely not to get thanked for.webazoot
    • When someone volunteers, it can never be about being thanked. It is a shame because we often work with organisations who are eager for producing ‘content’...sr_rosa
    • ...and this organisation does not need that because they have a real message, a true mission, they just do not know how to get it across.sr_rosa
    • Gnash is right... its your job do make them understand... u have to show how things look like when somebody pro in this field puts its knowledge intosted
    • for how long is this going on?
      things go slow in these places, and i think you're a bit early with the changes, they don't know u right?
    • I have been a volunteer there for more than four years, but communication is usually managed by the workers there, is not my — or anyone's — job.sr_rosa
    • Meaning there is not a role dedicated to it, nor is it part of anyone's duties, so no one is responsible.sr_rosa

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