America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #259

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  • robco-5

    who else here actually lives in America besides me?

    • the guy that started the thread for one_niko
    • Not me, still find America just a social experiment...grafician
    • ^what do you think America can learn from Romania?robco
    • Actually we're very similar societies. Most East European countries looked up to America as a model for democracy. Not so much these days tho'grafician
    • I see- what do you mainly think is different with American democracy now, vs when East European countries looked up to America?robco
    • why do you ask?monospaced
    • that depends?utopian
    • We're getting into a nice discussion plz don't spoil itgrafician
    • So, robco, the change is the choice for president ofc, we all rooted for Obama, not so much for Trump for obvious reasons.grafician
    • We also don't understand you wasting time not changing your healthcare and political systems for the good of all americans. Robo included!grafician
    • "We" as in we all liberals in Europe and worldwide I guess. We respect your choices, we just don't understand them.grafician
    • So that being said, just sad you guys going thru all this nonsense that could be avoided. We still rooting, make America great again is a cool goal, but...grafician
    • ...but that coming from actual leaders that can really commit to change and really pull it off! So yeah...grafician
    • we've seen the kind of 'change' in California that Obama wanted for the rest of the united states. Ca is close to being a welfare staterobco
    • Californians dont want it, and the rest of America doesnt want it either- the majority dont want the government between us and everything we dorobco
    • and thats whats happening in Ca right now- ask anyone that is seeing these tent cities pop up- its destroying the state and it will destroy america toorobco
    • Nothing can destroy America, chill. But yeah, from outside CA seems like a leader in handling this pandemic. What are we missing?grafician
    • Btw across the border in Mexico, the cartels ffsake are enforcing the lockdowns!grafician
    • Wouldn't the presence of tent cities indicate a complete lack of welfare? Especially given the size of its economy.monoboy
    • Maybe the Governator wasn't up to the job?monoboy
    • we didnt need to be a leader, Ca always had substantially lower cases- the extra month of quarantine is gutting small businesses hererobco
    • Newsom wants to use federal money to bail out Ca to put more people on welfare now, instead of solving Ca's issues- thats socialismrobco
    • California pumps more money into the economy than any other state. It’s not a welfare state. It’s very rich. Red states are the biggest welfare states, literallmonospaced
    • A welfare state is not bad at all, one step closer to UBI! If the state can afford it do it! CA is #5 in GDP WORLDWIDE! More than India! Get a grip!grafician
    • Why do conservatives forget that CA was under republican governance for most of the the last 20 years?monospaced
    • Anyway we're getting offtopic, America is NOT fucked, just needs better leadership ffsakegrafician
    • ^EXACTLY. thats why Cuomo and Newsom shouldnt be asking for gov't support to further the welfare programs here. it incentivizes irresponsibilityrobco
    • just like they shouldnt have been incentivizing hospitals to report deaths as Covid deaths- the greed and stupidity is hard to believerobco
    • UBI will never work in america, people dont want it and dont need it- reason why? we have the right to alienate our labor, good systemrobco
    • Not for long. Cuomo asks for help because the Gov aka the idiots are not doing their job. Cuomo would win president in November no doubt btw, the idiots know itgrafician
    • Hey Mono- Ca has been Dem controlled since 1992 - prior to that, where were the tent cities and personal responsibility?robco
    • This is what "we" don't understand why instead of helping, they running politics when people dying...No European country would sacrifice citizens for politics.grafician
    • Except the UK, but Brexit happened so technically they are not EU anymore...grafician
    • Cuomo will never win. NY hates him and the most of the rest of America has no idea who he isrobco
    • When damage hits, you sacrifice politics, not citizens. US and UK doing the opposite right now. Bad. Sad.grafician
    • Cuomo thinks they need help bc hospitals get tens of thousands of dollars from the fed govt when they report deaths as covid deathsrobco
    • ^graf, that would be true- but in this case, Dem controlled states are literally destroying their economies on purpose so they can get handoutsrobco
    • seriously, go on Newsoms twitter in the comments. Everyone in Ca hates his guts right now- and these are liberalsrobco
    • Liberals here hate him for opening the state, conservatives hate him for keeping the state closed for too long. Its a hilarious lose-loserobco
    • @robco not seeing that from outside. Idc about your political affiliation btw, I just care about ppl losing loved ones...grafician
    • Btw you asked, here in Romania, we're coming out of lockdown, barbershops opening, we have under 1k dead, our Gov did well by usgrafician
    • ^same. and thats why its interesting to get and global point of view- inside america things are not going well, and not for the reasons ppl outside think.robco
    • So as we looked up to America maybe 'murica can look up to Europe for a good example on how to manage this shit. Just saying...grafician
    • We just worry about you guys thats all, we don't want to look better and all that, just worry about good people having hard times, you know?grafician
    • no offense but like how italy, france and spain managed it?robco
    • most americans were happy with our leadership pre-corona, and are still happy with how its being managed- look at trumps poll numbersrobco
    • there is a very loud angry american minority online that makes it seem like everyone here hates trump- but they dontrobco
    • trump will be reelected- americans dont want bidenrobco
    • America has 44% the population of the entirety of Europe - even with inaccurate reporting: USA= 77k deaths. Europe = 147k deathsrobco
    • Nobody wants Biden, I give you that :))grafician
    • But this year Putin don't gives a shit about Trump, he has bigger problems in Russia...grafician
    • how exactly is Trump winning?grafician
    • Putin wanted Trump as president when America was ok, the situation changed in the meantime. Good luck with that.grafician
    • trump is winning because (believe it or not) most of america doesnt want to end up like californiarobco
    • most of america wants businesses to compete (supply and demand), solid borders, military and personal responsibilityrobco
    • This pandemic destroyed all that, get a grip again!grafician
    • There is no "getting back to normal" anymore! The new normal is a civil war unless you stop and give in, business over people is not as usual lolgrafician
    • robco, no it hasn’t been dem controlled since 1992. Where did you hear such nonsense?monospaced
    • ^haha. nah- Dem governors are trying to make everyone think the virus destroyed all that. most americans arent falling for itrobco
    • Schwarzenegger was governor for 7 years up until 2012. And Wilson from 91-99. Both republicans. More than half of the last 3 decades were Republican.monospaced
    • Once again. Why do conservatives think California was always democrat led? And ignore it is holding up the US economy. Red states are the leeches. Guaranteed.monospaced
    • "Aside from 1964, California was a reliably Republican state in every presidential election until 1992, when it was carried by Bill Clinton...robco
    • The state has voted Democratic in every presidential election since then, usually by lopsided margins." https://en.wikipedia…robco
    • I dont have a good answer yet, Mono- i want to know too. https://www.latimes.…robco
    • "most americans were happy with our leadership pre-corona, and are still happy with how its being managed- look at trumps poll numbers" Hmmmyuekit
    • I would never rule out that Trump could pull a rabbit out of a hat and win again, but right now the polls clearly do not show what you're saying.yuekit
    • https://www.realclea…yuekit
    • https://www.realclea…yuekit
    • ^hey yuekit- do you live in america?robco
    • hey robco, yes I do but why does it matter?yuekit
    • Trump is such a shitty president and human being that shit for brains Biden is actually crushing him in the polls lol anybody but trump I guess_niko
    • Robco do you live on the states? Nobody calls it America. Hmm are you a Russian or Chinese troll?_niko
    • If you’re really from Cali as you claim, what number did former baseball great for the clippers magic Jordan wear?_niko
    • isn't majority of the members here based in US? also when you say america, do you mean the continent or the country (US)?pango
    • lol @ robco still blaming Obama on shit. get over it and get mad at the actual people now in charge.inteliboy
    • russian troll.neverscared
    • i'm convinced Robco is a bot.necromation
    • Outside we call it America in normal speech, the US or USA in formal writing/speech. Obv I'm not a russ ian or chinian bot lol!grafician
    • just want to be sure. cuz majority of the members are based in americapango
    • In my experience most people in the USA do in fact, call it America.yuekit
    • It's MAGA not MUSAGA. Cmon guys!yuekit
    • While CA might vote for only Democrat Presidents, that isn't the same as California being run by them. It's been Republican, despite your insistence it's not.monospaced
    • You're very, very confused.monospaced
    • I'm in NYC, with an off-grid place in the northern Catskillshardhat

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