
Out of context: Reply #70858

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  • Nairn0

    oh no.

    I just heard a laugh outside - it's someone I know. Very distinct laugh. Lovely guy - he used to work here. Made fantastic pizzas. Started the whole thing off here and made the kitchen Good. Lovely guy. Good chat. We had a lot of chats. A few shared drinks. He was here for years. Lovely guy. Good chat.

    I can't leave the studio because I can't remember his fucking name.

    • forgetting people's names in social contexts is my kryoptonite. I'm standing there with this singular thought whirring around my head as they talk.Nairn
    • ...'what the fuck is your name?!?!'Nairn
    • don't be a wuss - "get out there and say hey how you doing! long time" etc... i've had tons of conversations like that with people who's names i've forgotten.hans_glib
    • it only gets tricky when someone joins in and expects an introduction...hans_glib
    • meh inverted commas in the wrong place wevshans_glib
    • Thing is, I've forgotten this guy's name before and just last week had an entire convo about one 'Tom', only to realise after I actually meant 'Jack'. Dementia.Nairn
    • (Not my fault all you English are named after the ancient Saints of Enid Blyton Characters)Nairn
    • lol, I'm American but I'm positive he'll answer to "Mate"robotron3k
    • What's wrong with a 'Dude'?
      eg: "Dudddeeee, what's hanging, hey, keep 2m away from me ya dirty flea bag."
    • It's a rude disservice to forget someone's name, especially someone I really should know the name of. I've got a bit of a hang up about it, ok? hahaNairn
    • I've found that an honest, "Hey, things have been crazy, I've had a new child, and I'm terrible with names. Please remind me because I don't want to be rude."monospaced
    • It works. Most people reply with, "me too, I totally forgot yours too!"monospaced
    • @bobo you uncultured animal that's australia.
      @Nairn u gotta get that name somehow, thats your quest for the day. No sleep or food until you succeed.
    • Sorry sted, like Russel Crowe, mate is not Australian : )MrT
    • I forget names the second people tell me. I am good with numbers though. My wife is the opposite.SimonFFM
    • Deer MrT! I haven't said that the origins of the word "Mate" is Australia.But I came to that conclusion that this word is used by ozzies more than anything elsested

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