
Out of context: Reply #2554

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  • PonyBoy8

    **begin rant / anger**

    I'm getting a bit fucking tired of the lockdown on what are considered 'elective' surgeries / medical procedures.

    I understand the fear that there could be a run on Emergency Rooms filling ICU's w/nothing but COVID victims etc so 'we' need to keep as many resources available as possible.

    But FOR FUCK SAKE can we be a bit MORE REASONABLE?!

    My Mom lives in Alaska about a 3+ hour drive from Anchorage. Just over 2 months ago she was feeling insanely dizzy... blurred vision... goofy heart beat. Scared she was having a heart attack my Step Dad rushed her to the local Emergency Room (if you can call it that). Turns out she has atrial fibrillation (AFib). Her heart rhythm is inconsistent. At the time they were able to use a cardioverter and 'shock' her back to a reasonably normal beat...

    ... but it didn't last (and the Doctor didn't expect it to... said she's gotta have a more extensive procedure).

    So she scheduled her procedure (end of March was when it was supposed to happen). Well... she drove up to Anchorage a day before the procedure so she could be on time etc. Got up there... CANCELED. Why? New State rule dropped just that fucking day about 'elective' procedures. They considered my Mom's irregular heartbeat fix ELECTIVE. It's her FUCKING HEART...

    Fast forward to yesterday... nearly a month later. STILL NO FUCKING PROCEDURE... not even scheduled.

    Alaska is literally HALF THE SIZE of the lower 48 yet they have UNDER 340 confirmed COVID cases.

    There is ZERO run on Alaska's Emergency rooms. Some Nurses have been laid off up there as they have no work.

    My Mom could barely talk to me yesterday morning. No breath... struggling to see straight. As the day progressed she got worse to the point she fainted and hit the floor... hard.

    My Step Dad rushed her to their tiny local Emergency care center that fortunately had an older CT scan on hand to look at her heart. In doing so they found she had liquid surrounding her heart... a repercussion of the untreated aFib.

    Within a half hour She was loaded on a little bush plane and flown up to Anchorage... she spent the night in the ICU after having an emergency procedure to drain that fluid... she STILL needs to have the procedure to treat the aFib but will have to wait for the fluid drain and to bounce back a bit from the fall.

    She's resting but still in the ICU. FUCKING HELL... can we try and be a bit more reasonable w/our fucking fear?! There was ZERO reason to put my Mother and anyone dealing w/shit like hers through that. There was NO run on any ER up there... again... they haven't even broke 350 fucking cases of COVID.

    **end rant / anger**

    • Sorry to hear this pony. Your anger is very understandable. Seems ridiculous if cases are low to be in that situation. I know AF well, my father had it and myfadein11
    • mother in law does now. All the best to you and your mum.fadein11
    • Sorry to hear that man, I hope your mum pulls through. I can understand your frustration especially with the low number of cases where they are.PhanLo
    • Feel for your father too, must have been scary for him seeing her faint.PhanLo
    • I'm sorry to hear that. I can't begin to know how frustrating that must be for you :(Akagiyama
    • Fuck man!moldero
    • So sorry :/Gnash
    • Sadly, and i do hope your mother makes it, she will still vote for Trump after all this...pr2
    • Man that's fucked up. This is bureaucracy at work right there. Idiots. Hope she gets better asap and help she needs.NBQ00
    • That sucks...seems like there is a phenomenon of states/countries feeling they need to copy the most restrictive measures regardless of how bad things are.yuekit
    • I imagine Alaska would be one of the safest places to be right now given the low population density.yuekit
    • Every country should have followed Taiwan’s proceedings, core to which is not trusting China.shapesalad
    • Can fully understand your anger. Same shit happening in Germany and probably everywhere. All the best for your mum! Hope the gov changes the situation quickly.SimonFFM
    • Thank you, All... I appreciate the kindness... and you’re probably right, pr2... even though you’re a dick... you’re probably right. ♥PonyBoy

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