
Out of context: Reply #70713

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  • Bennn2

    Anyone here ever got a shoulder tendinitis from bad posture at computer desk ? Its so painful, i can't sleep

    • both sides or just one, and if its on one, do you sleep on that side?sted
    • Only right side. I don't sleep on that side. I see nothing but too much computer use.. i practice any sport that could be the causeBennn
    • *i don'tBennn
    • Thats a good thing I fucked that up and it took 6 months and a doc to get rid of that insane back pain what started on my shoulder.sted
    • Yes, solved switching to stand upOBBTKN
    • How's the Yaris?

    • @OBBTKN bough an old ikea jerker for that... so i'm working in stand up mode every few weeks :)sted
    • Make a tight fist and see if the shoulder pain subsided. If so, start doing farmers walks with good posture and form to help strengthen your arm chain.robotron3k
    • No. Have you?shapesalad
    • I really need a proper office chair, i have a 90$ Ikea chair at the momentBennn
    • that's your problem right there :), oh man those chairs, you won't even realize that you're sitting with all weight on one side.sted
    • As soon as stores reopen I'll buy a good chairBennn
    • +1 on getting a stand up desk!Krassy
    • bennn I had that once, for awhile, worried it would become chronic. It's all about an adjustable armrestBustySaintClaire
    • I don't know if its a bursitis or/and tendinitis. It hurts like hell. Ice and Tylenol help a lot but it only last 2-3 hoursBennn
    • Search shoulder workouts on YouTube and exercise. I had a shoulder injury and my trainer solved it. Took 3 years though.SimonFFM
    • Look for old drafting tables, I've bought mine, second hand, years ago, for 40 €; adjustable height and inclination, best ever investment, no back pain anymore!OBBTKN
    • no joke: take ibuprofen 20mins before will relax the muscles during sleep when your body fixes itself.uan
    • yeah that what i did, i slept better last night, but i also took an Ativan, it help. It hurt a little less this morning, like 5-10% less. Still hurt like hell.Bennn
    • i think its the result of years of computer and really bad positions on the sofa with my cellphone for hours. I need to get my shit together, iam not 20 yo anymBennn

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