America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • allthethings2

    As a white progressive American who is 58, I felt like America was fucked starting in about 1980. Of course, any black person could tell you that it was fucked from about 1600 on.

    I'd estimate that two-thirds of the country wants to do the right thing and help fight the pandemic, but that only half the country is smart enough to hold the current administration responsible for the things they've done and not done to make this worse. We're dumb fucks and we deserve what's happening to us.

    • i feel that the gradual dumbing down of america began after wwii. in the 60s there was the last revolt sort of and in the 80s it finally broke...renderedred
    • Eisenhower was trying to warn, nobody listened.renderedred
    • After the checks go out that "smart half" will drop by half.robotron3k
    • you're right bobo, you guys will love socialismrenderedred
    • It's called Americanism, not socialism.robotron3k
    • that's a fair assessment haethered
    • it's all good bobo, make up a term so you feel better ;)renderedred
    • Americanism: n. Defined as Socialism performed by an American.zarkonite

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