
Out of context: Reply #1476

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  • kingsteven-1

    Trying to walk my dog in peace in the park by my house has become impossible, same park i've been in every morning and afternoon for years and barely see a soul (and when i do, it's the same people at the same time), well, all of a sudden PEOPLE!

    I understand I don't own the park, but my dog needs a run and this is the nearest field... These feckers are driving here, not just joggers; walkers, pram pushers and folks with tiny dogs on leads, and i know what the usual joggers look like but these are the shapes of people you just don't expect to own lycra products...

    Jog and walk on the street you fucks, preferably your own street and not one you have to drive to. being amongst nature is not a requirement of exercise unless you're a springer spaniel with an automotive deathwish.

    • there's joggers EVERYWHERE over hereBennn
    • First world problems threadnb
    • Are you SERIOUSLY complaining that people are going outside when they literally have NO OTHER CHOICE?!?!monospaced
    • Please don’t call families “fucks” for using your stupid ass park where your dog shits. You come off as insensitive and ignorant.monospaced
    • Being near nature IS a requirement. How about YOU Walk your dog on the steer and YOU let him shit on the sidewalk and leave the park to the clean people?!? Fuckmonospaced
    • Acting like people shouldn’t be outside is just wrong. Really pisses me the fuck off when I hear people like you whine like this. Grow upmonospaced
    • -1,000,000monospaced
    • The other choice is to stay inside like most govts are asking people to do. But if that's too hard then do live your best life.deadsperm
    • It's like speed limits, they're just a guideline. Everybody that goes over them has a good reason to do so and does it responsibly.deadsperm
    • Most people ARE staying inside, as asked. But if you have kids or dogs and enjoy mental stability, going outside is a must.monospaced
    • People are ONLY allowed out to shop, walk around or take a jog. Alone. That's what they're doing, and that's what YOU'RE doing. You're NO DIFFERENT.monospaced
    • Never seen so many wobbly bottoms in my life!shapesalad
    • For meeeee, govts are asking too much. Our economy and mental stability should come first. A world without a healthy mind or economy is not worth saving.deadsperm
    • I think Trump has made a good choice in stopping this madness by Easter. We need not only nourish the body but also the soul. God bless!deadsperm
    • haha mono, this was at 6am. there wasn't families (i don't go at times when its busy), i always clean up after my dog. i'm referring to the explosion of peoplekingsteven
    • that have taken up exercise since we've been limited to once per day on lockdown and drive to my local park to do it rather than run around their own area.kingsteven
    • Yes, had to abandon our park since the weekend due to the jogger outbreak. If I catch anything it will be thanks to one of them wheezing right past from behind.webazoot
    • Avoiding non social distancing joggers and trying to speperate dog poo bags without licking my fingers first is my new jam.webazoot
    • i should maybe also explain that its forest, i'm wearing wellies while walking the dog and the joggers are cris-crossing each other on one badly maintained pathkingsteven
    • but overall, the park is more busy at 6 am now than it would have been at midday on a weekend. and i have a breed of dog that needs to be exercised off the leadkingsteven
    • you LITERALLY said it was families and people and kids, thoughmonospaced
    • Also, these people didn't just "take up exercise." They can't go to fucking GYMs. Why is this so hard to comprehend!?monospaced
    • you often seem triggered by folks swearing. you should really spend some time in ireland when this is all over - but not in my fucking park.kingsteven
    • YOu really area complaining that people are doing the ONLY thing they're allowed to do. JUST LIKE YOU. You're IDENTICAL TO THEM.monospaced
    • These humans "need to be exercised off the leash" too. Whenever they want.monospaced
    • I don't get triggered by swearing. Weird conclusion.monospaced
    • At first you say it's a park with families, prams, and people. Now it's secluded forest path at 6am with only joggers? You're confusing ;)monospaced
    • there is no mention of families :| there were 2 joggers pushing prams.kingsteven
    • the essence of the rant is... "i cant exercise my dog in the streets but why do people choose to exercise in a busy park when the streets are empty."kingsteven
    • i mean, this isn't america... it's a forested area the size of 4 'soccer' pitches with a path around it about 500m from my house at the end of the estate :Dkingsteven
    • i'm also on the edge of the city surrounded by countryside, forest parks and about a mile from the sea it's not exactly a concrete junglekingsteven
    • anyone pushing a pram is a family, and maybe those people are thinking, "why isn't that guy on the sidewalk with the dog and leave the park to us?"monospaced
    • i like to think they're thinking "that's a very handsome tramp"kingsteven
    • seriously though, i'm totally aware that my complaining about this is totally unjustified, it's just a massive pain in the hole and i needed to vent about it.kingsteven

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